The Paris Optimist Club is a civic volunteer organization to support the youth of Lamar
County. Our main youth project is Paris Optimist Baseball; however, as we have volunteers
available, we support other youth activities. We provide scholarships annually to graduating
seniors in the county, provide a baseball recreation program for 700 plus kids, host baseball
tournaments and help support the Red River Valley Down Syndrome Society's Buddy Baseball program.
The baseball facilities at Charles Taylor Youth Complex at Woodall Fields are 100 percent
owened and operated by the Paris Optimist Club. The city and county are not a part of the
ownership. The operating budget is $200,000 plus per year. There is a board of directors
that manage the facilites and the youth programs. It requires many volunteers and support
from parents to maintain the facilities and the baseball program. The maintenance of the
fields and facilities is provided by a paid outside contractor. The adminstrative duties are
provided by a part time Executive Director.

If you are interested in becoming a member or volunteer, send an email to Sabara Vaughan @

You will need to attend at least one Club meeting prior to turning in your membership application along with the $85 dues.

It takes volunteers, the support of parents and the support of the community to provide for the baseball program expenses, facilities and other activities. The club members meet at the Office / Training building on the third Monday of each month. Anyone interested in visiting or getting more information to join the club are invited to attend. You can click on Club Membership Application, complete it and return it to a club member or email it to or mail it to Paris Optimist, PO Box 1011, Paris 75461. You may also get more information by calling Sabra Vaughan at 903-249-3499.

We need volunteers to serve our kids. Your consideration is needed and appreciated. 



Paris Optimist Baseball

PO Box 1011
Paris, TX 75461

Contact Us - Paris Optimist Baseball

Paris Optimist Baseball - March 11 2025 ©